Thursday, September 1, 2011

Facts On Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B-12 is required for the production of hemoglobin in red blood cells, maintenance of myelin sheath surrounding nerves (which is important for normal nerve cell activity), and is important for the synthesis of DNA and RNA.
Vitamin B-12 works with folic acid to support normal homocysteine levels. Normal levels of homocysteine, an amino acid metabolite supports heart and circulatory health.
Vitamin B-12 stimulates growth in children, and stimulates the utilization of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. It is also required for production of choline, and methionine, an amino acid.
B-12 is unique in that it is the only vitamin that contains an essential mineral, cobalt. Cobalt is thereby needed to make B-12 and as such is essential for health. Intestinal absorption of vitamin B-12 is dependent on a substance made in the stomach called intrinsic factor. Production of the compound decreases with age, making the elderly at risk for B-12 deficiency and anemia. Stress and stomach surgery also weaken the body's ability to produce the intrinsic factor. Hydrochloric acid helps the absorption of B-12, therefore absorption is diminished when acid production is reduced.
Vitamin B-12 supports energy levels. While there is limited support that they work, B-12 injections have been a common practice for the treatment of fatigue. There are various contributors to fatigue. As we age, the digestive and absorptive processes are not as efficient as when we are young. This can greatly contribute to a vitamin B-12 deficiency.
In older people, B-12 has been used for psychological symptoms, including senile psychosis. It has also been used for other symptoms including fatigue, nervousness, irritability, insomnia, memory problems, depression, and poor balance.
Vitamin B-12 is not found in the vegetable foods except for foods fermented by certain bacteria. Vegans, strict vegetarians that consume no animal source foods may not get adequate vitamin B-12 from dietary sources. The body stores vitamin B-12 so it typically will take several years for a deficiency to develop.
With B-12 deficiency, the body forms large, immature red blood cells, resulting in an anemia called pernicious anemia. It is characterized by fatigue and weakness. Most commonly, B-12 deficiency impacts red blood cells, energy level, state of mind, and nervous system. Initial symptoms typically start in the nervous system. Vitamin B-12 nourishes the myelin sheathes surrounding the nerves, which help maintain normal nerve impulses. If left unchecked, the problems related to the nervous system can lead to permanent damage. More severe pernicious anemia can progress to nerve or brain and spinal cord degeneration, which can result in weakness, numbness, tingling, shooting pains, and diminished reflex response.

So following  for a Natural Replacement of B-12 use one of the following  or All of the in a SHAKE !


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