Monday, September 5, 2011

Information And Facts On Oily Skin

Oily skin occurs when the sebaceous oil secreting glands overproduce more oil than is needed for proper lubrication of the body's skin. This excess oil can clog pores and also cause skin blemishes. Oily skin is probably mainly a factor of heredity, but it is known to be affected by factors such as diet, hormone levels, and lifestyle. Humidity and hot weather can also stimulate the sebaceous glands into producing more oil than normal. Because human skin tends to become dryer with aging, and because of the hormonal changes of adolescence, oily skin is common in teenagers, but it can occur at any age. At other times in people's lives hormonal changes may occur that can be a problem like menopause. Many people have skin that is oily only in certain areas and dry or normal in others, a condition known as "combination" skin. Normally, the chin, forehead, nose, and the upper back tend to be oilier than other areas of the body. Oily skin does has some positive aspects. It is slow to develop age spots and discoloration, fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. It doesn't freckle or turn red in the sun on the contrary, it usually tans evenly and very beautifully. On the negative side, oily skin is vulnerable to "breakouts" well past adolescence and has a chronically shiny appearance, an oily or greasy feeling, as well as enlarged pores.

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